Short story CONFIDENCE


He could not get it out of his system. He was overly thinking about it. His head did ache and sleep was far away, though it was late at night. “Why did I not do it?” he asked himself.

It all started then, when people were from their works, or  the metaphorical looking for food to put on their table. Everybody was on the run, they missed their home and a nap was urgently needed. For truth be told, it was a tiring day. It was late five-ish nearing six in the evening.

He was the first to board, she came a bit later, two minutes after him. The dress she wore was adorable with flower decorations. Her handbag was fashionable, small to detail. She wore a mask, but that hindered him not, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder after all. He could have looked at her for long, admiring her, but that would have termed him as a pervert and ruin his chances of ever having her. No, he actually wanted her.

She boarded the bus and sat next to him. In his head, thoughts progressed. The next day was his deadline to submit on the topic of graphic design and the context of the Kenyan youth. On the other hand here was a fashionista and a woman extraordinary. For she was also blessed, she had this exquisite figure and height. Wow, indeed we are yet to see the magic of creation. He decided to do his research, with his phone and google as his assistant, he maneuvred his way searching for relevant sources to use and quote. Though every now and then he got distracted and looked at her. Sometimes, he too noticed that she glared at him. In his mind, he wondered if the gods were speaking to them of being together.

He even did not alight at his bus stop, for he wanted to talk to her, get her number and let fate run its due course. She reached her place of destination, she retraced her steps out of the bus, he followed suit. He did not know what happened next, courage was lost and each went on way, she to the right and he to the left.

“Confidence,” he answered.

Photo by Lucas Quintana on Unsplash

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